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Betta Shop

Betta Shop

How Many Bettas Can Live Together in the Same Tank?

The number of bettas that can be kept together in the same aquarium depends on the gender of the betta. Only one male can be kept in an aquarium, as males will fight with one another (hence their common name, Siamese fighting fish). In the wild, one would retreat. But that isn't possible in an aquarium; fighting continues, to the death of one or both.

GloFish Shop

GloFish Shop

How To Care For Glofish?

In this article, we would like to talk about Glofish. It is a genetically modified fluorescent fish originating from four different fish such as zebrafish, tetra fish, barbs, and rainbow sharks. There are dozens of reasons why people get attracted to this fish but most importantly it is extremely easy to look after.

Saltwater Shop

Saltwater Shop

Instructions for Setting Up a Saltwater Aquarium

Putting together a saltwater aquarium takes a lot of work. You may be surprised to find out how many items are needed to run one. Once you have planned what kind of saltwater aquarium you want and purchased everything needed to put it together, follow these instructions to get your new marine aquarium running in a safe, orderly fashion.

Cichlid Shop

Cichlid Shop

African Cichlid Care Guide: Tank Setup, Types & Tank Mates

Though there are a ton of different African cichlid species confirmed in the wild, far fewer are available as pets. Almost all of the species that you’ll find in personal aquariums originate from Lake Malawi in East Africa. A handful of others come from Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria.


Goldfish Shop

How to Take Care of Goldfish

Despite popular opinion, goldfish (Carassius auratus) are not "maintenance-free" or "trial" pets. They require and deserve just as much care as any other pet. Goldfish are hardy species and good at tolerating many beginner's mistakes, but you will need to put in some effort to ensure their health and survival. They should not be kept in a fish bowl, but require an aquarium with proper water aeration and filtration.

Food & Feeders

Food & Feeders

Determining How Much to Feed Aquarium Fish

Overfeeding is the most common mistake fish owners make, and it can lead to a multitude of serious problems in the aquarium. Overfeeding clogs the filter, and breaks down into toxins that are harmful to fish.1 This is why fish food packaging includes clear warnings regarding the dangers of overfeeding.

Aquariums & Décor

Aquarium Décor

Complete Aquarium Checklist for Beginners

Fish are often thought of as simple, no-fuss pets. While it's true that fish often don't require much care and keeping, setting up an aquarium can be a much larger project than many anticipate. An ill-kept aquarium can be deadly to fish so it's best to learn as much as you can before purchasing any pets to go in it. Below you'll find a handy checklist as well as detailed explanations of what to look for when buying your first aquarium.



What You Should Know About Aquarium Lighting

Aquarium lighting is both a design feature and a practical necessity. The soft inner illumination of a lighted aquarium makes it a beautiful element of room decor. And both the fish and the live plants in your aquarium require light to thrive.1 But determining how much light the fish and plants need, and controlling that amount, can be tricky.

Equipment & Maintenance

Equipment & Maintenance

How Much Aquarium Supplies Do I Need?

Everyone scratches their heads at one time or another and wonders how much they need something. It's also true when getting started with aquariums. Maybe it's the size of a tank, how much gravel is needed to fill it, or how big of a filter is needed. Or perhaps you wonder how heavy the aquarium it will be when it's filled with water. This list is intended to cover the basics of how much various aquarium equipment you need.

Tank Health & Water Quality

Tank Health & Water Quality

10 Basic Fish Health Tips to Keep Aquariums Healthy

If you care for aquarium fish properly, a disease rarely occurs. However, on those occasions when a fish does become ill, having information at your fingertips is critical. Here's your one-stop reference about fish health, disease treatment, and prevention. For community aquarium fish, here are the 10 basic rules to follow to keep your fish healthy: 


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