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Lovebird Shop


A lovebird might be one of the smaller parrot species available as a companion pet, but this bird is inquisitive and seemingly always on the go. As their name suggests, lovebirds are known for the loving, attentive bond they tend to form with their mates.

Finch & Canary




Finches are the perfect alternative for those wanting a feathered pet but not prepared to take on the challenges of caring for a parrot. Finches don’t talk and are hands-off birds, but they delight their owners with their aerial antics and social interactions with one another.


The canary has been a favorite among bird keepers for hundreds of years and has been bred into more than 200 breeds, much like dogs have, each breed prized for a particular skill or appearance.         




Cockatiel Shop


There’s a reason why the cockatiel is one of the most popular companion birds — this slender Australian parrot can be both cuddly and bold. Cockatiels can also be curious and, at times, feisty. With a cockatiel in the house, you are likely to hear a repertoire of chirps and whistles.


Conure Shop


Conures, which vary in size from small to medium, often charm people with their playfulness and inquisitive personalities. They generally like to be where the household activity is, which can include mealtime and hanging out with their favored people.

Wild Bird

Wild Bird Shop

Wild Birds

Putting up a bird feeder is a beautiful way to connect with the earth and see the delicacy of nature from the comfort of your home, but did you know the many other benefits as well?
By simply putting up a feeder by your home, you can help with local sustainability efforts, improve bird health and populations, better your mental health, and help support local businesses. ​


Parrot Shop


You might think you know what a parrot is, but do you? Learn about parrot characteristics, behavior, care needs, and more. These feathered companions have more to offer than you might guess!


Parakeet Shop


Parakeets are a wonderful choice of a pet bird, as they are low maintenance, friendly, and great for beginners. As a single pet, a parakeet is great, has a friendly disposition, and will bond strongly with its owner. However, parakeets are best kept in pairs because they are highly social little birds. This will also help keep them occupied and happy while you’re not at home.


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