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Guinea Pig Shop

Guinea Pig Shop

Guinea Pig Species Guide

Own or thinking about owning a guinea pig? You may not have known that there are 13 species of guinea pigs, and they all have their share of unique characteristics. Learn more about each of them below, and make sure you know which one you're going for before adopting a guinea pig.

Hamster & Gerbil Shop

Hamster and Gerbil Shop

Do Hamsters or Gerbils Make Better Pets?

Few people know the main differences between gerbils and hamsters. They look similar because they’re both rodents and are small animals, but there are pros and cons to each of these rodent pets.

Rabbit Shop

Rabbit Shop

How to Care for a Pet Rabbit

Rabbits are active and playful animals that are also very social. They will form a close bond with other rabbits and even with people. As long as you know what to expect from pet rabbits, they have the potential to be wonderful pets. 

Rat & Mouse Shop

Rat & Mouse Shop

How to Design a Habitat for Rats

Rats need daily exercise to fulfill their urge to move and explore. Most cages on the market are sadly inadequate. For the enclosure, the key is – the larger and more entertaining, the better. An enclosure housing two to four animals should have a floor area of at least two square meters and a height of 1.5 meters, and also be an interesting varied design.

Ferret Shop

Ferret Shop

How to Care for a Pet Ferret

Ferrets are playful pets that are very entertaining to watch. These long, slender animals are smart and curious and thus require training and lots of interaction with people. Some say they are like a combination of having a cat and a dog. They like attention and can bond closely with their humans.

Hedgehog Shop

Hedgehog Shop

How to Care for Pet Hedgehogs - Basic Hedgehog Care Guide

Hedgehogs are unique animals that make special pets. Not only do they eat a very different type of food when compared to other pocket pets, but they are covered with tiny little spikes and roll into balls when scared. Keeping a hedgehog as a bed requires special needs, like housing and food, so read on to discover the best way to care for a pet hedgehog.

Sugar Glider Shop

Sugar Glider Shop

Should You Keep Sugar Glider as a Pet?

 Sugar gliders are popular exotic pets, as they're small, cute, and unique little marsupials that are native to Australia and parts of Indonesia. Their bodies are similar to squirrels with gray fur and black markings. They also have a gliding membrane—a thin, skin-like structure that extends from the front to back limbs on each side, almost like wings—that helps them travel among trees.

Food & Treats

Small Pet Food

A Guide To Feeding Your Small Pet

Overfeeding can have serious dietary consequences for your chinchilla, such as bloat. Chinchillas are also very sensitive to sugar, so high sugar options such as fruit should be avoided.


Small Pet Habitat

How to Design a Rat HAbitat

Rats need daily exercise to fulfill their urge to move and explore. Most cages on the market are sadly inadequate. For the enclosure, the key is – the larger and more entertaining, the better. An enclosure housing two to four animals should have a floor area of at least two square meters and a height of 1.5 meters, and also be an interesting varied design.

Care & Health

Care & Health

General Care for Small Animals

The right small animal diet, a clean and dry habitat, fresh food and water, safe toys, and attention every day are important elements that will make your small animal happy and healthy.

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