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Habitats & Accessories

Reptile Habitats & Accessories

Preparing Your Reptile’s New Home

Before you bring your new reptile home, make sure her habitat is already set up. Pay particular attention to the environmental conditions your reptile requires. By allowing conditions in the new habitat to stabilize and by giving yourself the opportunity to ensure that all equipment is operating according to specifications, you will ease the transition for your pet from her store environment to her permanent one.

Bearded Dragon Shop

Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragon: Species Profile

Bearded dragons, or "beardies," are moderately sized lizards native to Australia. They range in color but are often a light tan to brown with a long, thick tail and a spiky, beard-like collar around their neck. While they are generally considered good pets, even for beginner reptile owners, they do have fairly complex nutritional and environmental needs. Special equipment and a fair amount of time are needed to care for bearded dragons. However, they are generally social and easy to tame, and they show a range of fascinating behaviors that make them interesting to watch.

Leopard Gecko Shop

Leopard Gecko

Leopard Gecko: Species Profile

The leopard gecko is a popular beginner's reptile because it's easy to handle and requires minimal care compared to other lizards. They originate from Afghanistan, Pakistan, northwest India, and Iran. Leopard geckos have perky personalities and make movements that are interesting to watch. They are commonly yellow, white, and spotted with black dots, and hatchlings are striped and gradually change to the spotted appearance. There are several colorful and patterned morphs or variations.

Tortoise Shop

Tortoise Shop

An Introduction to Pet Tortoises

Fleas and ticks are two of the most frequent pet care concerns in America. While prevention is the best defense against these parasites, it’s important to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of fleas and ticks so you can help your pets if necessary. Read on for more information.

Ball Python Shop

Ball Python Shop

Do Ball Pythons Make Good Pets?

The ball python is a good snake for a beginning snake owner. They typically grow to be up to five feet long, they are not as large as many of the other constricting snakes that are kept as pets, they are quite docile, and they are easy to handle.

Reptile Food

Reptile Food

5 Key Elements of Reptile Nutrition

From turtles and tortoises to iguanas and lizards, a complete and balanced diet is critical for the health and longevity of reptiles. Complete means all nutrients required for the species’ age and lifestyle are included, and balanced means all nutrients are available in the correct amount and proportions.

Chameleon Shop

Chameleon Shop

Caring for Pet Chameleons

Chameleons are a unique and bright species that have the ability to change in color to camouflage with their environment, regulate temperatures, and communicate with other chameleons. They can also change color when they're stressed or happy. Caring for a chameleon requires proper natural habitats meaning big cages to accommodate their need to climb, privacy, and various temperatures throughout its home. Additionally, they need a gut-loaded and calcium-supplemented diet. This beautiful creature may be the pet for you if you're willing to make the commitment to properly care for it.

Cleaning & Maintenance

Cleaning & Maintenance

How To Clean Your Reptile Tank

How a reptile or amphibian utilizes its habitat is similar to how we use our homes.  They eat, sleep, relax, and explore throughout their enclosure.  The biggest difference is that we can remove food and bathroom waste from the house quickly and easily with a flush of a toilet or by taking the garbage out.  Since they can’t do this, that waste can build up without your help.  Keeping waste picked up is important, but even if removed that waste can leave behind harmful bacteria.  To help reduce the possibility of bad bacteria causing your pet to get sick, cleaning and disinfection of the habitat are needed.  Not every cleaning product for our homes is safe for our pets, so let’s take a quick dive into how to best clean and disinfect our pet’s homes.

Crested Gecko Shop

Crested Gecko Shop

Crested Gecko

Until 1994, the crested gecko was thought to be extinct. Imports to the island of New Caledonia brought a destructive species of ant and rats, which killed many of the native species of geckos on the island. In 1994, a team of researchers on the islands rediscovered the geckos and brought them into captivity. Originally, little was known about them, but through care in captivity, they were found to be easy to keep and breed, and were very prolific. Their ease of care along with their small size, amazing range of color and pattern, and great personality has made them one of the most popular geckos kept in captivity today

Hermit Crab Shop

Hermit Crab Shop

Having Land Hermit Crabs for Pets

Hermit crabs are among the more unusual pets, although they do make interesting, easy-care companions. They have distinct personalities and are active and curious, and their unique characteristics and low maintenance requirements make them good pets.

Frog Shop

Frog Shop

Frogs & Amphibians Facts

As with all pets, it is important to research the natural habitat of the frog or amphibian you wish to care for and try to mimic it in captivity. Most frogs and amphibians come from tropical environments.  Some live near ponds and bodies of water, some live on the rainforest floor, and others live up in trees. Creating a habitat that best reflects their natural environment is important to your frog or amphibians' health and happiness.

Snake Shop

Snake Shop

Snake Facts

So many snakes! Snakes are found in a wide variety of environments on every continent except Antarctica. There are over 3,400 species of snakes and 18 families, but most can be separated into 5 main groups:

Spider Shop

Spider Shop

Insects and Spiders Pets Guide for Beginners

Insects and spiders can be fascinating to watch. They are extremely quiet, clean pets that do not need much room to live. Insects and spiders also require little attention or socialization (in fact, they generally do best with little interaction). However, before deciding on an insect or spider as a pet, look at your reasons for wanting this kind of pet. 

Turtle Shop

Turtle Shop

Turtle & Tortoise Facts

There are 461 turtle and tortoise species and they come in all sizes, from giant Leatherback Sea Turtles that can get over 7 feet long and weigh over 1,500 lbs, to the speckled tortoise that only gets 4 inches long and weighs up to 5.8 oz. Certain species of both turtles and tortoises make great pets. Tortoises are very smart and can actually learn their name. 


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